NSSA Board Members


Georgia Grant - President

Georgia has been working at the Alfred Hospital for the four years. She has since increased her skills in performing VEMs, VERs, SSEPs and sEEG. Georgia is currently studying her Masters of Science in Medicine through the University of Sydney. She was appointed as the NSSA secretary at the AGM in 2019, before handing over to Megan in 2022.

Thomas Verhellen

Thomas is a Neurophysiology Scientist and Clinical Manager with IONM Pty Ltd. For the past 6 years, Thomas has performed intraoperative neurophysiology for many orthopaedic and neurosurgical procedures. He is also heavily involved with neurophysiology education for new scientists in the field. Thomas joined the NSSA board in September 2023.


Giosi Cardamone

Giosi is currently the Chief Neurophysiology Scientist at Monash Health and has held that position since 2014. At Monash she looks after a team of over 10 scientists who perform a variety of Neurophysiological tests on adults and children including EEG, Nerve conduction studies, Autonomic and Small Fibre Tests.  She started her career as a Neurophysiology Scientist at RMH in 1992.

Megan Walker - Secretary

Megan has more recently entered the world of paediatric neurophysiology, joining the team at the Royal Children’s Hospital. She is a keen learner who is excited to develop her knowledge and skills in all aspects of neurophysiology.


Mansi Aggarwal - Editor

Mansi has been working as a neurophysiology scientist since 2019. She has gained valuable experience working in both public and private sectors. She is interested in all areas of neurophysiology and is looking forward to developing more advanced skills in both clinical and research areas. 

Linda Seiderer - Treasurer

Linda started at St Vincent’s in 1996 and been the Senior Scientist (Manager) Neurophysiology since 2000. Her journey in Neurophysiology started in 1988 in South Africa.  She has been NSSA member for about 23 years and was Secretary 2000-2008.  Linda is passionate about all Neurophysiology. 


Brianna Jackson

Bree has worked as a neurophysiology scientist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital since 2010 (with a 5 year hiatus during which she completed her MD and intern year as a doctor). Bree loves teaching and combining her medical knowledge with her neurophysiology skills to help train junior scientists.


Miranda Kouspou

Miranda is a senior scientist at Monash Health. She was the former chief scientist at Monash Health, testing both adults and children. Passionate about education, she joined the NSSA to support the promotion of education in the neurophysiology field.